Dig into Local at Relish
July 14th through 23rd, 2014
Grown. Raised. Caught. Made.
Got To Be NC
We are pleased to be a part of the NC Department of Agriculture's first annual "Dig Into Local" Restaurant Week (July 14-23) which requires participating restaurants to create a special menu where each item offered is tied to a North Carolina product or ingredient. As you all probably know, we at Relish try to use local NC products every chance we get (just as long as we can keep the menu prices in the range that you all have come to expect from us).
We are so lucky in North Carolina to have such a diverse range of agricultural choices coupled with such a creative group of culinary entrepreneurs. So when we were invited to participate in this special ten day event, we decided to go all in and completely toss out our current Test Kitchen menu (so sorry to all you Chicken Taco, Key Lime Pie and Fried Avocado lovers, but they'll be back soon enough) and replace it with one where every menu item has at least one and often multiple ingredients that were either grown, raised, caught, or made right here in North Carolina.
Check out the rest of our emailed "Dig Into Local" newsletter here.